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Social Media guru's


James Aspey // @jamesaspey

Joey Carbstong // @joey_carbstrong

Earthling Ed // @earthlinged

Plant Based News // @plantbasednews

Animal Liberation Victoria // @animallib

Sea Shepherd // @seashepherd

Pollution Free Store // @pollutionfreestore

In the Soulshine // @inthesoulshine

Edgar's Mission // @edgarsmission

Anonymous for the Voiceless // @anonymousforthevoiceless

That Vegan Couple // @that_vegan_couple

Prana On // @pranaon

The Save Movement // @thesavemovement

World Vegan Day Melbourne // @world_vegan_day_melbourne

The Cheesy Vegan // @the.cheesy.vegan

Vegan FrotherZ // @veganfrotherz

The Save Movement // @thesavemovement

Kristen Leo // @kristenleo

Vegan Shack // @theveganshack

The Vegan Alliance // @theveganalliance

Brian Hallmond // @veganlifechange

Big Sky Sanctuary // @bigskysanctuary

Veganuary // @weareveganuary
The 33 Degree Vegan // @the33degreevegan

Royal Wolves Apparel // @royalwolvesapparel

Eyes of the Innocent // @eyesoftheinnocent

Unconsciously Cruel // @unconsciouslycruel


I would love to hear from you, who do you source your information, inspiration and motivation from?
Have I missed someone crucial? Contact me!​

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Vegans of Mornington Peninsula

Mornington Peninsula, VIC, Australia

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©2017 by Vegans of Mornington Peninsula. 

Disclaimer: Vegans of Mornington Peninsula is run in a voluntary capacity, the author assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this site. The information contained on this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. All views, thoughts and opinions of Vegans of Mornington Peninsula belong solely to the author, and not the author's employer, organisations, committee or other groups or individuals.

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